About Us

The Instructor
David Windmiller - Chief Pilot
A US Team aerobatic pilot.
Ratings: SE, ME, Land, Sea, Rotorcraft, Glider, Turbo Prop, Turbo Jet, CFI, MEI...
Experience: 18,000+ hours TT, 8000+ hours of actual unusual attitude flying and instruction.
David's Drive:
“…After 18,000+ hours of flying over 36 years I have seen way too many accidents that could and should have been avoided. The lack of knowledge, skill or a combination of both, allowed these horrific disasters to happen…”
For more about David and Team Windmiller, visit windmiller.com/about
The Plane

Extra EA-300
​2-seat Aerobatic Capable Aircraft
Max Speed: 216kn
Stall Speed: 55kn
Roll Rate: 400 degress per sec.
We use the Extra 300 for in-plane flight missions, because of its ability to provide the instructor and student the opportunity to practice extreme loss-of-control scenarios in a safe manner.